In this blog post we will be discussing our experience downloading and using Affinity Designer specifically going over the pros and cons of using Affinity Designer as a graphic design software program, the performance and functionality of Affinity Designer, the cost and the pricing of Affinity designer compared to other industry standard graphic design software and the question of is Affinity Designer the graphic design software for you?
The Pros and Cons of using Affinity Designer
the performance and functionality of Affinity Designer
the cost and the pricing of Affinity designer
Is Affinity Designer the graphic design software for you?
From a Graphic designer’s perspective there are many pros and cons but for individuals who prefer to know the good new over the negative news we will star with the cons first. Affinity designer is very affordable and can be purchased and downloaded online. So, if you are on a tight budget Affinity Designer would be a great graphic design software to download if you are not into buying a monthly subscription to download graphic design software.
The second Pro of Affinity Designer is the simple interface, and the software has a tool palette with all the necessary tools to make it a vector editor suitable for professionals. Affinity a Designer also has a feature that links to a website where the user can watch online tutorials to learn how to use Affinity Designer. These online tutorials are easy to learn step by step videos that teach the use the functions and usage of each design tool and technique to create awesome designs for you design projects.
The Third Pro of Affinity Designer is that Affinity designer has the capability to save to all different file formats without having to convert saved files from one format to another which is a great way to save time when you are working on projects with tight deadline for clients.
As for the Cons of Affinity Designer, the first con would be that Affinity Designer has a learning curve that can take time to get used to, especially if you are a graphic designer who has been using Adobe Illustrator for a long time like I have and you have become all to familiar with the keyboard shortcuts for using tools such as the pen tool and the direct selection tool.
Don’t get me wrong Affinity Designer I an amazing software program to use but when are learning to understand the interface of the program it can be a bit challenging at first because some of the keyboard shortcuts are different, you have to search through the menu bar at the top of the screen to undo mistakes and access features such as the layers panel, grids and smart guides panel as well as many more features.
Another Con about Affinity Designer is that You can’t export files as AI, which some clients are insistent on having. The reason being is Adobe Illustrator is still considered to be an industry standard software for many graphic design businesses and the clients they work with.
Lastly The multiple strokes and fills option works for only one object at a time, instead of having the ability to adjust the stroke and fill feature for all selected objects on the screen.
Well, there you have it my take on the pros and cons of the graphic design software Affinity Designer stay tuned for more software blog reviews and to view some of earlier
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